Back And Shoulder Stretch
1. Sit on a block with your back straight, knees bent, and feet on the floor.
2. Raise your arms overhead and bend your elbows.
3. Pull your right elbow towards the opposite shoulder with your left hand.
4. Maintain this stretch for a few seconds and relax.
Adductor Side Stretch Standing
1. Stand tall with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart while keeping your hands
together in front of your chest.
2. Take a step to the left while keeping your right foot in place.
3. Bend the left knee unless your right thigh becomes parallel to the floor.
4. Hold for a few seconds, return to the initial position, and repeat.
Kettlebell Deadlift
1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, kettlebell between feet.
2. Bend knees slightly, hinge forward at hips, grasp kettlebell handle.
3. Drive through heels to stand up straight, lifting the kettlebell. Return to start position and repeat.
Triceps Push Down - Cable Straight Bar
1. Stand tall with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Grab a straight bar in front of you with an overhand grip, arms bent at a 90-degree angle, and hands placed shoulder-width apart.
3. Pull the bar down by straightening your arms.
4. As your arms are fully extended, return to the initial position and repeat.
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
1. Stand tall with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Grab the dumbbells near the thighs with straight arms and your palms facing forward.
3. Raise the dumbbells towards the shoulder by folding your arm.
4. As it reaches near the shoulder, return to the initial position and repeat by folding the arm.
Barbell Full Squats
1. Stand tall with your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a barbell over your shoulders behind your neck.
2. Lower your hips to the floor while bending your knees.
3. As your hips come under the knee level, return to the initial position and repeat.
Barbell Bench Press - Flat
​1. Lie down on a bench with your back and thighs supported, knees bent, and feet on the floor.
2. Hold a barbell on your chest with your hands placed double the shoulder width, elbows open wide, and your palms facing forward.
3. Raise the barbell by straightening your arms.
4. Hold for a while, return to the initial position, and repeat.
Bent-Over Barbell Row
1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lean forward to hold a barbell with an overhand grip near your knees.
2. Take your hips backward while bending your knees slightly.
3. Raise the barbell towards your abdomen while folding your arms and taking your elbows past your back.
Front Raise - Plate
1. Stand tall with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Hold a weight plate near your thighs with straight arms.
3. Raise the plate by extending your arms forward.
4. As they cross the shoulder level, return to the initial position and repeat.
90 Degree - Heels Touch
1. Lie down on your back with your hips and knees bent to 90 degrees and your arms extended overhead.
2. Raise your upper back and bring your arms forward to touch your heels.
3. Hold for a while, return to the initial position, and repeat.